The Committees are formed in an effort to meet the COC plan as outlined by HUD through the COC Interim Rule. These committees are working on tasks that add to the organizational foundation of the BOSCOC. It is expected that each local coalition will have representation on each of the committees, so information can be shared at the local coalition level. Each committee is chaired by at least 1 Board Member. **minutes have been archived for 2014-15 and can be found on the Archive page.
Please send meeting minutes to your committee's Balance of State support person.
Please send meeting minutes to your committee's Balance of State support person.
Committee Role/Purpose
In accordance with the WI Balance of State CoC Restated Bylaws, Article VI, section 1:
There are 4 standing committees: Executive, Nominating, Finance & Audit, and System Performance. The Board has passed by resolution 7 additional committees: Coordinated Entry, Discharge Planning, Emergency Shelter & Diversion, Gaps & Needs, Public Awareness, Veteran Advisory Board, and Youth Advisory Board.
In accordance with the WI Balance of State CoC Restated Bylaws, Article VI, section 7:
Each committee shall have or promptly develop a written charter. The charter shall include a specific description of the duties, responsibilities, and procedures pertaining to the committee’s operations. The charter shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for review and, upon approval by the Board of Directors, shall constitute the charter of the committee.
In accordance with the WI Balance of State CoC Restated Bylaws, Article VI, section 1:
There are 4 standing committees: Executive, Nominating, Finance & Audit, and System Performance. The Board has passed by resolution 7 additional committees: Coordinated Entry, Discharge Planning, Emergency Shelter & Diversion, Gaps & Needs, Public Awareness, Veteran Advisory Board, and Youth Advisory Board.
In accordance with the WI Balance of State CoC Restated Bylaws, Article VI, section 7:
Each committee shall have or promptly develop a written charter. The charter shall include a specific description of the duties, responsibilities, and procedures pertaining to the committee’s operations. The charter shall be submitted to the Board of Directors for review and, upon approval by the Board of Directors, shall constitute the charter of the committee.
Committee Charters
- Coordinated Entry Committee
- Emergency Shelter & Diversion Committee - Is now a work group under the Coordinated Entry Committee and their charter
- Discharge Committee
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
- Fiscal & Audit Committee
- Gaps and Needs Committee
- Results of the 2023 Survey are here.
- Nominating Committee
- Public Awareness Committee
- System Performance Committee
- Youth Advisory Board
- Veteran Advisory Board
(1) Coordinated Entry
Chair: Wendy Schneider [email protected] Co-Chair: Stephena Smith: [email protected] Staff Support Person: Holly Sieren Description: Through collaboration with the BOS CE System Specialist, the committee is responsible for evaluating the coordinated entry process, making policy recommendations and changes to the procedures. Key projects and tasks are done at the workgroup level, including: (1) Implementation – addressing questions, issues & concerns; serves as a resource for BOS staff and assists with technical assistance or training needs; (2) Marketing – ensuring materials are accessible and available, identify gaps and enhance outreach strategies; (3) Youth – identify and address specific youth-related issues & concerns; (4) Veteran - identify and address specific Veteran-related issues & concerns; (5) DV - identify and address specific DV-related issues & concerns; (6) Prevention – review policy & implementation; (7) Evaluation – evaluate the quality & effectiveness of the CE system; (8) Other Systems of Care – develop policy & training for non-traditional partnerships to expand CE reach in communities and encourage participation. Help identify & address concerns, problem solve approaches and potential barriers. CE Committee Charter - updated June 2024
(2) Discharge Planning
Co-Chair: Sherri Wald [email protected] Staff Support Person: Meredith McCoy Staff Support Person: Ryan Graham Description: The role of this committee is to research and develop guidance for local coalitions on institutional discharges into homelessness. The 4 main institutions include: foster care system, mental health, hospital, and county jail system. Each of these systems of care have their own policies, procedures, and expectations for discharge planning. The committee is responsible for better understanding these systems of care, discharge planning process, issues and concerns faced by those exiting to homelessness, and create better awareness of local coalitions, coordinated entry, and resources. Committee members shall work with the other systems of care workgroup of the CE committee on expanding access to coordinated entry. Policy for Discharging into Homelessness Toolkit Supporting Documents (3.) Diversity, Equity and InclusionCo-Chairs: Meghan Mietchen & Tamarra Coleman
Staff Support Person: Molly Betts Description: The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee strives to address, explore, educate, learn about, and respond to the diversity of the human experience. We prepare our WI BOSCOC membership to successfully understand diverse perspectives and backgrounds by promoting critical thinking, empathy, and a deeper appreciation of others. We create an inclusive, equitable, culturally competent, and supportive environment with model behavior that enriches our community. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee will guide and hold the institution accountable in the integration of diversity, equity, and inclusion into all aspects of the work within the WI BOSCOC Meetings- Please check the WI BoS calendar for our next meeting and log-in information. (3) Emergency Shelter & Diversion - Moved to CE committee workgroup Chair: Stephena Smith [email protected] Co-Chair: Staff Support Person: Ryan Graham Description: The committee has 2 major tasks. First, create CoC-wide shelter standards to be compliant with ESG. Review current shelter policies & procedures to identify areas of improvement. Implement housing focused, low barrier & trauma informed care into the shelter system & standardize waitlists or tracking of unmet needs. Research, develop, implement & train on shelter best practices. Evaluate outcomes, review system performance & monitor progress. Second, create a systematic diversion process emphasizing problem solving & client choice to reduce the number of people entering the homeless system. Identify best practices, research, gather data & develop training. Implement on a smaller scale, use lessons learned to replicate across BOS. (4) Executive
Executive Committee Chair: Lisa Haen [email protected] Description: The committee is comprised of 5 members: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and President. The committee strives to enhance the effectiveness of the work of the Board of Directors and performs such additional functions as the Board of Directors from time to time may specify. In addition, in order to deal with an emergency situation when a meeting of the Board of Directors cannot conveniently be held, the Executive Committee is authorized to exercise all powers of the Board of Directors in the management of the affairs of the Corporation except for the election of officers and Directors. (5) Fiscal & Audit
Chair: Kathleen Fisher [email protected] Additional Board members: Millie Rounsville [email protected] and Brett Larson [email protected] Staff Support Person: Carrie Poser Description: The committee must consist of not more than 5 members, at least 2 of whom shall be Directors. The Treasurer shall serve as the chair. The committee is responsible for acting in an advisory capacity to the Board with respect to financial and audit matters, to assist in assessing the fiscal health of the BOS. The committee shall review the financial operations of the BOS, prepare or cause to be prepared annual operating and capital budgets and financial plans, perform such other financial reviews as are deemed reasonable and appropriate, and report regularly to the Board. The committee is responsible for overseeing the BOS’s annual financial audit process and for performing such additional functions as the Board of Directors from time to time may specify. (6) Gaps & Needs-merged with Data Analysis
Chair: Co-Chairs: Kayden Rinzel [email protected] Staff Support Person: Meredith McCoy Description: The role of this committee is to plan, organize & execute the CoC-wide annual gaps survey to both current & former clients, providers & community partners. The committee shall analyze the results of the surveys & report to the CoC Board and present findings at a full membership meeting annually. The committee shall look at ways to increase involvement with the survey, enhance the questions and ensure broad dispersion. The committee is tasked with using the findings to gather additional information, problem solve & identify best practices. The committee shall make recommendations to the Board regarding ways to fill the gaps that exist in the BOS, assess for trends & commonalities among local coalitions as well as identify unique regional needs. (7) Nominating
Co-Chair: Mike Bonertz [email protected] Co-Chair: Shannon Wienandt [email protected] Staff Support Person: Carrie Poser Description: The committee shall work to develop and conduct a process that will identify and solicit qualified organizations to become Members of the Corporation and qualified individuals to serve as Directors of the BOS (except Directors nominated by Local Coalitions) and members of committees and task forces and will present such individuals for election or appointment by the Corporation. The committee shall perform such additional advisory functions as the Board of Directors from time to time may specify. (8) Public Awareness & Advocacy
Chair: Jessica Locher [email protected] Co-Chair: Staff Support Person: Erika Olson Description: The role of this committee is to increase awareness and education of homelessness-related issues and needs. This can include advocacy at the local, state, and Federal level; letters to the editor, articles, press releases; and the use of social media. (9) Data Analysis
Chair: David Eberbach [email protected] Co-Chair: Staff Support Person: Erika Olson Staff Support Person: Meredith McCoy Description: The committee is responsible for measuring progress toward ending homelessness in the BOS. The committee is tasked with (1) setting criteria, performance standards & benchmarks for CoC & ESG funded projects; (2) reviewing progress toward ending homelessness including totals & sub-populations; (3) identifying training needs; (4) in collaboration with ICA, review data quality & provide technical assistance; (5) working with local coalitions on SPM, helping to create goals and benchmarks at the coalition level; (6) evaluating projects, local coalition & CoC-wide outcomes; and (7) report to the CoC Board and membership. The committee must include ICA and at least one other Director. (10) Veteran Advisory Board
Chair: Lee Walraven [email protected] Co-Chair: Angela Maloney [email protected] Staff Support Person: Holly Sieren Description: The committee is comprised of those interested in Veteran-specific issues and solutions to end homelessness. The goal is to end Veteran Homelessness, as defined by USICH, by bringing together a variety of Veteran-specific organizations, so a more comprehensive plan can be developed for the BOS. VAB Charter - updated May 2023 (11) Youth Advisory Board
Chair: Co-Chairs: Staff Person: Erika Olson Description: The youth advisory board serves tw o roles. First, the action board shall be comprised of youth, under the age of 24, interested in participating and working on the creation of a youth system network. This group of youth shall review policies & procedures, provide perspective & feedback, use their expertise to educate the BOS on needs & issues facing youth experiencing homelessness. |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Minutes
2023 February DEI Minutes March (no meeting) April DEI Minutes 2022 DEI Minutes 5.11.2022 2021 05.26.2021 07.28.2021 08.25.2021 09.15.2021 ES Meeting Minutes
2022 Emergency Shelter Minutes 1.25.2022 Emergency Shelter Minutes 8.22.2022 2020-21 ES&D Minutes 03.23.2021 FA Meeting Minutes
2022 Fiscal & Audit Minutes 2.15.2022 Fiscal & Audit Minutes 4.28.2022 Fiscal & Audit Minutes 7.21.2022 GN Meeting Minutes
2023 GN Minutes 11.09.2023 GN Minutes 10.12.2023 GN Minutes 09.14.2023 GN Minutes 08.10.2023 GN Minutes 06.01.2023 GN Minutes 05.04.2023 GN Minutes 04.20.2023 GN Minutes 03.08.2023 GN Minutes 02.02.2023 GN Minutes 01.05.2022 2022 GN Minutes 12.01.2022 GN Minutes 11.03.2022 GN Minutes 10.06.2022 Data Analysis Committee 2023 Annual Report
SP Meeting Minutes