Go Back to go Forward with Jacqueline Battalora Wednesday, October 5th, 10:00AM - 11:30AM VIRTUAL
Explore when, where, how and why the human category called "white people" was first used in law. The history exposes race as a construct and reveals a mindset that is foundational to the United States shaping every institution and workplace.
This presentation helps ground people in facts, dramatically diminishes defensiveness and advances shared understanding of the roots of racial bias.
Whiteness Competency with Jacqueline Battalora Wednesday, October 19th, 10:00AM - 11:30AM VIRTUAL
This training dismantles structures that produced race-based implicit bias and assists the individual awareness of one’s investment in whiteness and a commitment to addressing racial bias
A Brief Bio: Jacqueline Battalora is the author of Birth of a White Nation: The Invention of White People and Its Relevance Today 2nd ed. (New York: Routledge Press, 2021). She is an attorney and professor of sociology at Saint Xavier University, Chicago and a former Chicago Police Officer.
Battalora is an editor for the Journal of Understanding and Dismantling Privilege. She completed her law degree and came to Chicago to practice. Her interest in the role of law in creating human difference shaped her graduate work at Northwestern University where she received her Ph.D. She is listed with the National Speakers Association and is represented by SpeakOut.
Her work is featured on:
● the Documentary Film, The American L.O.W.S. by Darnley R. Hodge, Jr.
● the Documentary Film, HAPI by Gerard Grant
● Boston Public Radio/Wisconsin Public Radio
● dozens of podcasts including the Philippe Matthews Show
Click HERE for the Save the Date for more details
Explore when, where, how and why the human category called "white people" was first used in law. The history exposes race as a construct and reveals a mindset that is foundational to the United States shaping every institution and workplace.
This presentation helps ground people in facts, dramatically diminishes defensiveness and advances shared understanding of the roots of racial bias.
Whiteness Competency with Jacqueline Battalora Wednesday, October 19th, 10:00AM - 11:30AM VIRTUAL
This training dismantles structures that produced race-based implicit bias and assists the individual awareness of one’s investment in whiteness and a commitment to addressing racial bias
A Brief Bio: Jacqueline Battalora is the author of Birth of a White Nation: The Invention of White People and Its Relevance Today 2nd ed. (New York: Routledge Press, 2021). She is an attorney and professor of sociology at Saint Xavier University, Chicago and a former Chicago Police Officer.
Battalora is an editor for the Journal of Understanding and Dismantling Privilege. She completed her law degree and came to Chicago to practice. Her interest in the role of law in creating human difference shaped her graduate work at Northwestern University where she received her Ph.D. She is listed with the National Speakers Association and is represented by SpeakOut.
Her work is featured on:
● the Documentary Film, The American L.O.W.S. by Darnley R. Hodge, Jr.
● the Documentary Film, HAPI by Gerard Grant
● Boston Public Radio/Wisconsin Public Radio
● dozens of podcasts including the Philippe Matthews Show
Click HERE for the Save the Date for more details
Featured WIBOSCOC Trainings in January:
VI-SPDAT Version 2 Training
Date: January 5, 2017 10:00 AM – Noon
Permanent Supportive Housing Prioritization
DATE: January 19, 2017 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Point-in-Time Training #1 *This is required for all PIT LEADS
January 4th, 2017 1-3 pm
Point-in-Time: Non HMIS Data Collection 2017
Jan 17, 2017 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
VI-SPDAT Version 2 Training
Date: January 5, 2017 10:00 AM – Noon
Permanent Supportive Housing Prioritization
DATE: January 19, 2017 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Point-in-Time Training #1 *This is required for all PIT LEADS
January 4th, 2017 1-3 pm
Point-in-Time: Non HMIS Data Collection 2017
Jan 17, 2017 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Click on the Grey buttons to view the WEBINARS that were presented during the original training.
HUD’s Chronic Homeless Definition Final Rule goes into effect on 1/15/16! In conjunction with ICA, Carrie Poser will be hosting Part 1 of a 2 part training on the chronic homeless definition and documentation requirements.
HUD’s Chronic Homeless Definition Final Rule goes into effect on 1/15/16! In conjunction with ICA, Carrie Poser will be hosting Part 1 of a 2 part training on the chronic homeless definition and documentation requirements.
Chronic Homeless Definition Training
Tuesday, January 19, 2016 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
PIT Training #1 – December 22, 2015 9-10:30 am
PIT Training #2-January 11, 2016, 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm
PIT Training #3-March 3rd, 2016 9:00-10:30 AM
This is a required training for PIT leads in the Balance of State COC. The training will cover the reporting requirements related to the HIC, Non-WISP, WISP data, and deduplication. Finally, there will be a Q & A component of the training. Please bring questions! |
Point in Time Leader Training
PIT Data Collection for Non-WISP providers
January 14th, 2016 9:00-10:30 am Putting it All Together-the HIC, WISP & PIT (2016)
February 16, 2016
PIT lead Training #3
Alphabet Soup of Homeless Funding Systems
HIC & PIT Changes for 2016 Unsheltered PIT Survey Unsheltered Observation PIT Survey Putting it All Together 2016 |
Prior PIT documents, resources and data
Unsheltered PIT survey How to Run PIT reports 2015 HIC & PIT Presentation 2015 Putting It All Together 2015 PIT Changes for 2015 2014
PIT Manual 2014 PIT Planning & Implementation Presentation 2014 PIT Planning & Implementation Webinar 2014 Putting It All Together 2014 PIT Training 2014 How to run PIT reports 2014 2013
PIT Presentation 2013 |