Hello – sorry for the delay. As I am sure most of you can relate, Coordinated Entry has consumed a lot of time over the past several weeks. And unfortunately, I haven’t been able to sit down and get this update done as timely as I had hoped. But I am going to try to get back on track.
So, to catch you up – here is what has been happening as well as some date to keep in mind! (1) WEBSITE UPDATES As we continue to move forward, there will continue to be changes to the website. Please make sure you are reviewing the updates. Change #1 – Under the News tab, there is now a place that you can have job openings posted. Please email me or the [email protected] with the information you wish to have posted. http://www.wiboscoc.org/partner-opportunities.html Change #2 – Under the System Performance tab, there is now a place we can review progress made toward reaching our Balance of State goal of housing 147 people by the end of the year from the top of our prioritization lists. There is a map, the pledges made by individual LCAS, and a blank pledge form if you wish to update your pledge. http://www.wiboscoc.org/system-performance-measures.html Change #3 – Under the new SOAR tab, there is a place to sign up for more information about SOAR and registration material for the last scheduled in-person training for SOAR. This training is going to be held in Oshkosh on April 21-22nd. http://www.wiboscoc.org/soar.html (2) RECAP OF FEB. QUARTERLY MEETING Unfortunately, we have had minimal feedback from the February Quarterly meeting in Stevens Point. This information is important for the Board to make changes to the meetings and make the most of this opportunity to get together. If you have not already done so, please take a few moments to complete the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2016febqtrly (3) MAY QUARTERLY MEETING The May Quarterly Meeting agenda and registration are in the works. We should have a registration available soon. This will be posted on the website. The information to reserve your hotel room has been posted. Note, the dates of the May meeting are: May 19th and May 20th. http://www.wiboscoc.org/quarterly-meetings.html On the first day of the meeting, our goal is to bring in some speakers and host some additional roundtables. On the second day of the meeting, we will have the business meeting. (4) COMMITTEES As a reminder, if you receive ETH funds you are required to participate on a Balance of State Committee. In addition to that, if you want to be a part of a project that will ultimately benefit the Balance of State and our efforts to end homelessness, please consider joining a committee. The list of current committees can be found at: http://www.wiboscoc.org/committees.html I am pleased to announce that we will be adding a committee to our list: Diversion. Chris Lashock from Homeless Connections in the Fox Cities has agreed to chair this important addition to our programming. If you are interested in joining, please contact Chris at: [email protected] (5) POINT-IN-TIME All of the trainings specific to the Point-in-Time have been completed. They can be found at: http://www.wiboscoc.org/point-in-time.html. These include:
Friday, March 25th is the upcoming deadline for data corrections. If you have not sent me an email indicating that you are done with your errors, please do so ASAP. I will be reviewing the PIT data the rest of this week. I will reach out directly to PIT leads with ongoing issues. (6) BOS BOARD SCORING TOOL FOR THE COC COMPETITION The Board of Directors is seeking comments on the tool, scoring criteria, weight, and process. All of these documents are located on the website. http://www.wiboscoc.org/coc-competition-information.html Those comments must be sent to [email protected]. The deadline for feedback is April 30, 2016. (7) COORDINTATED ENTRY A lot of progress has been made in Coordinated Entry over the last month. As you all know, Coordinated Entry implementation began 1/1/16. As of today, the Non-WISP prioritization list and referral process trainings are complete. Once the List Holders complete their required trainings and homework, they will be given the links to the Non-WISP Prioritization List and the Non-WISP Referral Form link. The List link cannot be shared with anyone. The Referral Form link can be shared AFTER the person requesting it has completed two things: (1) watching a recorded webinar and reviewing the corresponding power point slides (these items can be requested from your LCAS List Holder), and (2) completing the homework associated with that training and sending it to their LCAS List Holder. As many communities now begin the process of putting together both their WISP and Non-WISP list, please remember that implementation has already occurred. So the sooner you are up and running, the sooner you are compliant. The absolutely deadline should be no later than March 31st. By March 31st, the List Holder should have completed the necessary steps to be the List Holder. The DLA contact should have completed the necessary steps to be the DLA contact. If these things have not occurred, I will be contacting those communities to find out why and seek an alternative solution. In approximately 3 months (beginning of July), there will be a review – or compliance check to see how many people have been served off the WISP and Non-WISP lists. At this time, additional review of each LCAS community will be done by the Implementation Team. If your community, a particular agency, or particular staff are struggling with Coordinated Entry, please let your Implementation Team contact know ASAP. Debbie Bushman – [email protected] Implementation Team contact for: Brown, Fox Cities, Lakeshore, NE, & NWISH, Winnebagoland Lisa Sanders – [email protected] Implementation Team contact for: Kenosha, Ozaukee, & Washington Jeanette Petts – [email protected] Implementation Team contact for: CAP, Central, Jefferson, Rock Walworth, & Southwest Corin Tubridy – [email protected] Implementation Team contact for: Coulee, Dairyland, North Central, Northwest, & West Central/Indianhead Carrie Poser – [email protected] Implementation Team contact for: Waukesha Current Requirements for all List Holders: Coordinated Entry 101 Training, List Holder Training and homework, and Non-WISP Referral Form Training and homework. Current Requirements for all DLA Contacts: Coordinated Entry 101 Training, List Holder Training, and Non-WISP Referral Form Training NEW TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES: #1 – Working Together: WISP & Non-WISP Prioritization List Thursday, April 21st from 9:00 am – 11:00 am To register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3632425052243976195 This coordinated entry training is designed for anyone who is going to use the Prioritization lists (in Service Point and Non-WISP) to fill units in their program. The purpose of the training is to help navigate the process - including who to contact, when to contact, who is prioritized, what happens when you accept or decline, what if there is no contact, etc. This training is required for DLA contacts and List Holders. #2 – Managing the Non-WISP Prioritization List Wednesday, April 27th from 9:00 am – 11:00 am To register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/8089125011131742211 This coordinated entry training is specifically for List Holders and DLA (designated lead agency) contacts. The purpose of the training is to answer questions, address common questions, and walk through the "managing part" of the list responsibilities - including follow up, accepting, declining, and the delete function. This training is required for DLA contacts and List Holders. A few things to note: 1) I conducted a Transitional Housing Prioritization training last week. The recording and slides are now posted on the website. http://www.wiboscoc.org/coordinated-entry.html 2) The correct paper version of the VI-SPDAT (Version 2) and the link to the OrgCode training are now also posted on the website. If you were using Version 1, please stop. Take the shorter training and start using Version 2. The version in Service Point has already been switched to Version 2. (8) ETH CERTIFICATION If you are planning on or interested in applying for ETH funds from DEHCR, you must complete a 2016 ETH Certification form. This document must be completed and submitted to [email protected] by April 1, 2016. http://www.wiboscoc.org/esg--thp-grant.html (9) NATIONAL ALLIANCE TO END HOMELESSNESS (NAEH) – FEB. CONFERENCE RECAP One of our members, Erin Loveland from House of Mercy attended the February NAEH Conference in Oakland, CA. She wrote up her notes and summarized her experience in the document attached. Please take some time to review the information she provided. http://www.wiboscoc.org/weekly-update-attachments.html There is a wealth of information provided during these conferences & certainly one person cannot attend every great session. You can review the presentation slides from the NAEH Conference here: http://www.endhomelessness.org/library/entry/conference-presentations-from-the-2016-national-conference-on-ending-family If you have any interest in attending the July NAEH Conference in Washington DC, please visit this website for more information: http://www.endhomelessness.org/news/calendar/2016-national-conference-on-ending-homelessness (10) HUD, USICH, NAEH TRAINING (ONLINE) HUD: LGBT Homelessness Information https://www.hudexchange.info/homelessness-assistance/resources-for-lgbt-homelessness/ HUD: Alternatives to Criminalizing Homelessness Information https://www.hudexchange.info/homelessness-assistance/alternatives-to-criminalizing-homelessness/ NAEH: Rapid Re-housing Performance Benchmarks and Program Standards (March 24th) http://www.endhomelessness.org/news/calendar/rapid-re-housing-performance-benchmarks-and-program-standards NAEH: Webinar-Addressing Family Homelessness in Cleveland (April 12th) http://www.endhomelessness.org/news/calendar/webinar-addressing-family-homelessness-in-cleveland (11) IN PERSON TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES CSH 2016 Summit: Housing as a Platform Date: Wednesday, June 8-10, 2016 in Chicago, Illinois http://www.cvent.com/events/csh-summit-2016/event-summary-b05896613e504f549b12ef1d73909e59.aspx?ct=48832732-1e0d-43b1-8af7-01e4e9cd58aa In Person SOAR Training Date: April 21-22, 2016 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin http://www.wiboscoc.org/soar.html (12) REMINDERS News: If you have any media from your local continua, including newspaper, radio, or TV, please send the link to [email protected]. We want to be able to post it to the Facebook page and please visit the new “NEWS” section of the website: http://www.wiboscoc.org/news.html FACEBOOK: Don’t forget to LIKE us on Facebook.
Carrie PoserI am the COC Coordinator for the Wisconsin Balance of State Continuum of Care. My email is: [email protected]. Archives
April 2016
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