Grant Opportunities
HUD Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project
The WI Balance of State CoC Board of Directors has not yet voted on whether to apply for HUD’s Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP). HUD has not yet released the NOFA for YHDP. However, there will be two rounds opening up soon, each with approximately $75 million and looking to fund 25 communities in the development and implementation of a coordinated community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness, and sharing that experience with and mobilizing communities around the country toward the same end. The population to be served by this program is youth – unaccompanied and pregnant or parenting youth, where no member of the household is older than 24.
The letter of interest does not guarantee a project application, does not guarantee funding, does not guarantee inclusion into this NOFA, and does not guarantee the CoC will apply for YHDP.
The letter of interest is designed to gauge who is interested and what type of partnerships are already in existing to build off of if the CoC decides to move forward with a YHDP application.
Please submit the completed letter of interest to [email protected] by COB on Friday, April 3rd.
Letter of Interest
The WI Balance of State CoC Board of Directors has not yet voted on whether to apply for HUD’s Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP). HUD has not yet released the NOFA for YHDP. However, there will be two rounds opening up soon, each with approximately $75 million and looking to fund 25 communities in the development and implementation of a coordinated community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness, and sharing that experience with and mobilizing communities around the country toward the same end. The population to be served by this program is youth – unaccompanied and pregnant or parenting youth, where no member of the household is older than 24.
The letter of interest does not guarantee a project application, does not guarantee funding, does not guarantee inclusion into this NOFA, and does not guarantee the CoC will apply for YHDP.
The letter of interest is designed to gauge who is interested and what type of partnerships are already in existing to build off of if the CoC decides to move forward with a YHDP application.
Please submit the completed letter of interest to [email protected] by COB on Friday, April 3rd.
Letter of Interest
COC Funded RRH project
Attached you will find the instructions and application for a CoC funded project. Family Services of NE Wisconsin is voluntarily relinquishing their CoC-funded RRH project for 18-24 households with and without children. We are looking for someone to transfer the current grant (2019-2020) to and will continue to provide excellent case management to the 12 current households enrolled in the program in Brown County. Then, the selected agency would receive the 2020-2021 grant (already awarded to Family Services but would be transferred). Finally, the selected agency would be able to submit a renewal application in the FY20 CoC Competition this summer for the 2021-2022 grant year.
Eligible applicants do not have to be located in Brown County. We are giving preference to those willing to continue the current services and housing in Brown County. Eligible applicants do not have to currently receive CoC or ESG funds. The deadline for the application and attachments is no later than COB on Friday, April 3rd.
Transfer and New Project Funds Application-PDF version
Transfer and New Project Funds Application-WORD version
Please submit these materials to [email protected].